Sunday, March 25, 2012

New pictures :)

Thanks to a friend of a friend (whom I have never met) my inbox this morning had a lot of pictures of Liliana from last summer at MBHOH. Isn't she darling in purple??? (biased, slightly... )

We are still waiting for our home study. We had our meeting last Monday and were told they were going to approve the home study after they added two paragraphs. It took three days to add those two paragraphs until it was finally sent to our main agency for review. That review will probably take a week and then our home study agency will make the changes, submit again for approval and eventually get us our notarized copies of our home study. Once we have those, we can get immigration started (I already have the forms done) and start applying for grants and planning our big fundraiser. This whole process is a huge exercise in faith. I don't understand the delays. Our home study has taken about 6 weeks longer than it should have so far and that is FRUSTRATING when I just want to get my baby girl home. She turns two on Tuesday and will spend anther birthday as an orphan. That breaks my heart. At this point, we are praying to get her home before her third birthday. God can work a miracle and make all the paperwork process in a faster timeline than is normal and I would love to see that happen, but I am learning that I have to trust Him no matter what. He knows the best time for Liliana to join our family and I have to choose to trust Him in this entire process. Yes, that includes trusting His timing too. I'm working on it....
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Monday, March 19, 2012

Prayer Request Update

Liliana waiting at the train station on her way to Swallow's Nest :)

So, this weekend we asked for prayer for our meeting with our home study agency.  We had that meeting today.  It went well overall.  We are going to be able to move forward with our original home study and the rest of our paperwork.  Then we will have to wait until after our baby is born in October, wait 4-6 (or more) weeks after that to do a home study update - which includes all new police and criminal and child abuse background checks, reference letters (only 3 this time), and all new letters of good health for each family member and two for me (one from the midwife and one from my regular doctor).  They will then write a new home study, essentially (which could take until the end of December).  After that, we get to send the home study update to US Immigration again (another 60-90 days), get that approval and all the other immigration approvals and travel approvals before we can go get Liliana.  So, basically, unless there is a major move of God, there is no way to bring Liliana home in 2012 and most likely, she will not be able to be home until around this time next year.  I hate that, but I am trying to trust that God has a plan and a purpose in this timing and He will make things happen in His timing.  That is a really hard thing to do!  Also, there is no guarantee that they will approve our home study update - it will be a full check and they could choose to not recommend that we move forward.  I am trying to not think about that right now.

So, we have some answers and more time to wait.  Please pray that God's timing would happen and that we would have peace and patience in the process.  Thank you so much for your love and support through this process.  We couldn't do it without you.
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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Please pray......

Tomorrow is a big day for our family.  We are meeting with our home study agency to talk about things in hopes of getting approval to move forward with our adoption of Liliana.  Our meeting is at 2 and we would covet your prayers.  Please pray for peace and a sense of God's presence.  Please pray for open hearts and minds on both sides.  Ultimately, please pray that God's will will triumph and that this latest delay in the process can be solved and that we can continue to move forward without further delays. 

This last week and a half has been a good time of faith stretching and growing and honestly, while I would have loved to have the home study done already, I have grown so much.  God has been purposely revealing to me areas of my heart that are more interested in what I want (of course it is what God would want too....right?) than in God's ultimate plan and purposes.  I have been praying for obstacles to be removed instead of praying for God to receive the glory and for His greater purpose to be fulfilled and that I would learn the lessons He has for me.  It has been humbling and strengthening all at once.

In His great mercy, He has been sending encouragement throughout this week - through the sermon at church this week (faith instead of fear), the worship at church (For I am the Lord your not fear for I will be with you......when you walk through the fire, you'll not be burned...etc.), notes of encouragement - including an email followed up with a card and a financial gift towards our adoption from my boss and news of dear family looking to support our adoption as well and strangers purchasing t-shirts from our fundraiser.  His hand holding us has been so evident as I have been learning to let go and trust in His goodness.  I am humbled that the God of the universe loves me enough to give me those things that He knows I need in my weakness while at the same time, calling me to something greater.  I am blessed beyond measure.

Thank you for your prayers and support - God is using this time and the support of friends and family to bless us so much.  I can't wait to tell Liliana of the amazing work her life has already been used for and the way her little life has blessed so many others.
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Friday, March 16, 2012

Morning dancing

Simeon has been growing and changing so much lately. He is really receptive and learning LOTS each day. He loves to dance and listen to music, but today, he decided to try some new moves (taught by Elianna) - enjoy :)

Saturday, March 3, 2012


So this is apparently what strep throat looks least this time :) Elianna woke up Wednesday morning complaining that her throat hurt when she ate or drank. I figured it was probably just from the dry, overnight air, but figured I would keep an eye on things. She acted normal most of the day, but after looking at her throat (decently red) I figured a trip to the doctor's was in order. The earliest they could get me in was Thursday evening - which I figured would be just long enough for the throat to feel better, but better safe than sorry. I am always nervous about strep throat because of an Adventures in Odyssey broadcast from my childhood, but I digress.

We went to the doctors - Elianna for her sore throat, Janaya for her swollen eye, and Simeon for his well visit. Fortunately, Dr. Campbell was the doctor of the day (we LOVE her!!!) and she carefully examined Elianna. She told us that her glands were swollen, and though her throat didn't scream strep, she figured she would play it safe and do a strep test. Sure enough, strep. Since Janaya also had a bit of redness in her throat and swollen glands (and they sleep together, have toothbrushes together, etc.), the doctor put both of them on antibiotics.

Funny thing was, we couldn't start the antibiotics that night since the pharmacy took too long, but the next morning, Elianna came down the stairs and proudly announced to me that she felt much better. I told you Dr. Campbell was an amazing doctor..... :)