We are just back from a week of fun, frolicking, and family at Sandy Cove in North East, MD. I have been going there since 1988 and B.J. and I had our first camping trip as a couple just a couple weeks after we were married in 2003. This was Simeon's first camping trip and I am pleased to report that he did a great job. He even teased me by sleeping through the night twice! While the weather was HOT, it did cool down in the evening to make sleeping possible and by Wednesday, it was downright beautiful :) Since it is impossible to sum up an entire week, I will settle for a few snippets...
While walking on the dock after watching Taylor and Hunter be baptized, Janaya chimed in with the following "I want to go in the water". Me "so why can't you?" Janaya (in a - I can't believe you can't figure this out yourself - voice) "the DOCK is in the way!"
Simeon got to increase my appreciation for Zeuss (my sister's dog) this camping trip. It was so much easier cleaning up my BLW little guy with Zeuss around. He would lick up any spills, leftoevers, and even hands - which resulted in all kinds of contagious giggles. Zeuss also rescued Elianna from the giant melted marshmallow on her shoe...
Elianna discovered her inner fish during the last two days of swimming. Suddenly, my little four year old can just about swim - as long as she does it under water :) She also LOVED Club Cove and has been singing the theme song tons since then. Unfortunately, my camera got full right about the time she decided that singing on stage wasn't too terrible....
B.J. and I enjoyed the morning speaker who spoke on the importance of abiding in the vine (John 15:5) and the evening speaker who spoke on how God uses relationships (parent-child, marriage, singleness, co-workers) to help us become more Christ-like. Both were powerful speakers who challenged us in many ways. It is always neat when God takes speakers who have never even met to speak to our hearts in very similar ways. It is a definite attention getter!
We took advantage of the pony rides while we were there. Simeon just got his picture taken on the pony, but Janaya and Elianna got to go for a ride. Elianna spent her ride petting her pony "Butterscotch" and wearing a big smile on her face. Janaya did NOT want to ride, but complied after my insistence. Sure enough, she loved every minute of the ride and the second we stopped to get off, she said that she wanted to go again. Then she was rather indignant that "the other little girl is riding my pony!"
I decided to ride the Big Swing - since I didn't have a newborn or a pregnant belly for an excuse. It was fun and thrilling, but I don't think I'll ride again. My motion sickness did not like the swinging motion that much but it was a fun adventure nonetheless.
We got to attend the two nights of hymn sings - such a joy. Janaya was asking for them for the rest of the week and Elianna was commenting on which songs she had sung at the hymn sing.
B.J. watched the kids each morning so I could go to water aerobics with Mom, Debbie, sometimes Dave, Amanda, sometimes Sarah, and Joel and Holly. What a fun, refreshing way to start the day. Of course a week of aerobics is never done until we have had a nice 20 minutes on the hot tub on Friday morning :) It is such fun to get to spend time with my siblings each day before the busy-ness kicks in.
We took the girls paddle boating for the first time - nothing long or crazy, but Elianna really enjoyed her perch on the back of the boat.
We played air hockey which was hysterical. Every time B.J. hit the puck, Simeon would crack up. Over and over again.
Lunches were casual and always included the traditional fluffernutter sandwich and nutella spread. Healthy, as always. Hey, I did use my homemade whole wheat bread...
Elianna got to launch a rocket for the Rockets 'n Root beer Floats night. She had so much fun that next year, we'll have to let her make her own. Thanks to Aunt Amanda for making extras.
And to do it again...
We also took the girls to the craft cottage where they got to design a garden stone to commemorate this year and then they each made a spin-art backpack. They loved it!
The rest of our week was filled with hanging out,
watching family do the trapeze (even Grammy got in on the action :),
eating meals with the family, kids in Club Cove with all their activities, and just enjoying time together as a family.
Bliss :)
love that fruit of the spirit song!
Love that song!
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