"For the anger of man (or mom) works not the righteousness of God." Ouch. I needed to read that verse today. This is one of those days that I have felt disconnected from my children and overwhelmed with the tasks set before me. I have struggled to keep my focus on God and instead have been scurrying about trying to do everything I am supposed to do. I have doubted God's provision, stressed about the state of my house, and worst of all, been frustrated and angry with my kids. There are times that I wish that my natural response to frustrations would be one that would work what God wants, but I know it doesn't. My natural response is to get an edge on my voice, speak louder, be more abrupt, and be annoyed and irritated with my kids. A screaming one year old only adds fuel to the fire, so to speak.
Rewritten for me, that verse says "Rachel, your anger won't do the work that needs to happen in your kids (in fact it probably interferes with it - my own addition)." All right. I am choosing to turn this day around. I am going to memorize this verse and allow the Holy Spirit to remind me of it as needed. I will focus on the many, many blessings God has given us. I will trust that He will provide for all of our needs, and I will quit trying to make everything happen. Instead of doing it on my own, I choose to REST in His arms. And as I am resting, I am going to go deal with a two year old who doesn't want to nap ;)
Thanks, I needed this verse today! I had a bad mom-day too. I blame the weather. You know, that and the sin nature :)
darn that sin nature....
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