Monday, October 8, 2012

Adoption Update

Unfortunately, there isn't much to post here :(  Everything is on a literal 'pause' until after this little one arrives.  Which has made me more frustrated than ever that I ALWAYS go past my due date.  Normally, I know that my due date means nothing and I don't really care that I go past it.  This time, I have been really struggling with wanting Pelah to arrive YESTERDAY - not only so I can meet him/her but also so we can get things going with Liliana again.

Knowing that our daughter is sitting overseas waiting for us and we can't do anything is really frustrating.  Talk about an exercise in faith.  God has been really driving home to me that He knows the right timing to bring Liliana home - regardless of when I think is the ideal time.  That is HARD.  I want to trust that His timing is perfect, and I know that it is, but my heart wants to push (no pun intended) things forward FASTER.

Waiting is hard.  Being patient is hard.  Having to wait for two children whose arrivals are linked in some way is hard.  However, I am being reminded that just because it is hard doesn't mean it is wrong.  God wants me to learn and grow through this process and while I am not sure the exact lesson He wants me to learn, I want to learn it.  So, I get to be patient - waiting for Pelah and waiting for Liliana and hopefully learning whatever lesson it is that God has for me.

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