We have been able to skype about twice a day with B.J. and that has been nice - though the 13 hour time difference makes that a little tricky. Our days have been full with life - chores, schoolwork, me nesting. Oh yes, nesting happens with adoption too - except there is no 9 month belly to contend with this time (okay, honestly, maybe a couple month belly is still hanging on...). So far, we have organized the sippy cup cupboard, the main drawer in the kitchen, the drawer in the bathroom, and I have sorted through my dresser clothes. Oh yeah, and I am s l o w l y catching up on laundry. Not bad for four days. Oh yes, and I still have four kiddos that need me.... It can be tough balancing my desire to accomplish much with my need to be with my children - not just there but actually with them.
In a few short (relatively in comparison to our year of waiting) hours, Liliana will be in B.J.'s arms and I will get to see her with Skype. It is so surreal. I am inexpressibly excited about that. She will finally be ours and the year of paperchasing will be over. However, the real journey will have only just begun. Liliana is about to have her entire world turned upside down in a way that few of us can relate to. She is going to be with complete strangers who don't know her, can't communicate with her, smell different, and even act differently than anything she has known thus far. While we covet your prayers through this process and through B.J. being in China, that is really just the beginning and the 'realness' of adoption will kick in later. Please pray for Liliana and all of us as we head into this transition. Pray for grace and understanding and a sense of His Spirit in our lives. And please continue to pray for us even after we get home. Adoption is not really the fairy tale ending like we see in the movies. It is work. It is hard. And it is so worth it. Anything is when it is what God has called you to do.
And, just because his little dance is so cute and I was so grateful for Daddy, Grampy, and Jeremy coming to help with kiddos on bath night, I figured I would share this video. And yes, that is Simeon switching to whining at the end...no idea why.
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