Friday, September 30, 2011


So, I don't have any pictures for this one, but I had to write about this morning. My kiddos and I spent the morning at a homeschool support group at WCUMC. I had heard about this group last year, but I never seemed to get going enough to make it. This year, I wanted to be more intentional about building a support base - both for me and for my kids. I want them to have a group of peers that are also homeschooled. I didn't do this because I was concerned about my daughter's 'socialization' (which seems to be the biggest problem everyone has with homeschooling. You know the "but what about socialization?" question). Honestly, I have never found that to be an issue as a formerly homeschooled person.

Anyway, the group consists of about 15 moms and between 40-50 kids. I loved it. Elianna loved it. Janaya loved it. Simeon? Not so sure. It is going to offer us a chance to have others teach supplemental lessons in such subjects as physical education, art, music, science, etc. There are at least 4 other languages spoken by group members - so a pretty nice opportunity there. There are people of various ethnic backgrounds - also important so that my kiddos learn to interact with people of all races. Most importantly - this is a Christian group that strongly supports the same biblical worldview we do so the learning that will go on will be taught through a biblical perspective.

I am so excited to get to know this group more. We have a diversity on all kinds of points from backgrounds to homeschooling approaches, but we are united in our desire to ensure a solid education and fulfill our God-given responsibility to bring our children up in the Lord. It promises to be a fun year!

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