Friday, February 8, 2013

Hong Kong

We made it to Hong Kong at 3:23 pm local time (2:23 am EST).  The ride was smooth, comfortable, and fast.  At one point we were doing over 90 mph.  I am sure there were times where we were moving faster than that since I know there were times when I looked over the seat and could not see the needle.  Border crossing went off without a hitch.  It looks like we have two shuttle bus options ... one for the airport and one for a mall and dinner later this evening. 
Looking at the weather, our hope is that the snow stops early on Saturday while we are still somewhere in the Artic Circle so that by the time we turn south and begin heading to Newark the winds may have died down and the runways are clear.  This assumes that our flight stays in place.
Praying for the next part of this journey. 

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